Zylan Cheatham to transfer

More like Zylan Leave-um, amirite?

Hey, happy Good Friday everyone! Let’s check in with Aztecs Twitter on this solemn holiday to see if anything’s goin’ on.


Oh sweet Jesus.

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The best wins of the Fisher Era, ranked

Fisher 4

Steve Fisher won 386 games as head coach at San Diego State University. That’s a lot of wins! So many, in fact, that it would be a fool’s errand to attempt to pick only 10 that stand out among the rest.

On the other hand, this is a blog on the internet. So, uh, I made a list.


Anyway, here are the 10 best victories of the Steve Fisher Era. Know that if you disagree with anything here it is because you are dumb and bad and don’t appreciate Steve Fisher at the same level I do.

Anyway, the list:

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Steve Fisher retires


A 72-year old man engaged in a rigorous, stressful, all-consuming profession decided to retire today. It shouldn’t come as a shock.

And yet…

And yet, disbelief is all I can muster.

Continue reading “Steve Fisher retires”